If you're curious about getting to know Jesus, experience the nurturing community of the church, and ask life's big questions, we are absolutely here for that.
What to expect on Sunday
If you've never gone to a church, or haven't gone since childhood, walking up to our big, old brick church can be an act of bravery! We respect your courage and want to tell you some things that'll help you know what to expect when you walk through our doors:
When you enter the doors at FUMC you'll probably meet a greeter who will welcome you with a smile and a handshake. They can direct you where you need to go! As you enter the Sanctuary, you will be handed a bulletin that is a program of our service, which will help you follow along. It also includes other information about what's happening at our church.
Feel free to chat with the greeters if you have any questions! If you'd rather walk right in and sit down, that's cool. You can sit anywhere you want to, as close to the front or as far away from the pulpit as will make your experience most comfortable for you.
We do something really great every single week: we sing together. As long as there has been churches, Christians have been singing songs to God with each other. We don't expect you to know these songs, so at our 9am service we project the words to help you follow along and at our 11am service, plenty of hymnals are located in the pews for everyone to use. If you're adventurous, you can join right in. If you'd rather listen and learn these songs before singing along, you're more than welcome to do that.
Why do we sing? For many of us, we encounter God in a unique way when we sing to him together.
Ranging around 20-30 minutes, the sermon or the message is a reflection on part of the Bible.
The offering is the part of the service where we invite folks to donate money. Don't feel any pressure to give during the offering, this is an invitation that we extend to those who consider FUMC their home church. Church isn't something that you have to pay for, like going to a concert, but many Christians follow a long-time teaching of sharing 10% of their finances to support the work of the church and those in need. Regardless of where you are in your faith journey and regardless of your economic situation, you're welcome to come without putting a dime in the offering plate. Church is freeee!
We end our services with a blessing. We go to church to encounter God---together---and then get blessed to bring God's goodness back into every corner of our life, family, neighborhood, school, and workplace.
After the service, you can expect folks to stop and welcome you to First United Methodist Church. Our church family is warm and welcoming and will want to get to know you. Be sure and fill out the visitor tab located on the insert in your bulletin. If you're curious about church and have questions, note your requests on the Visitor Tab but don't be afraid to ask someone. You can also come and leave without speaking to anyone, but we'd love for you to really experience all the goodness that church has to offer and getting to know and be known in our church's community is a big way that you will encounter God here.