First United Methodist Church is committed to the safety and well being of the children and youth entrusted to our care. Parents or legal guardians are the most informed and legal authority when it comes to emergency medical decisions. We do know that some emergencies may occur during our time together. Please provide as much information on the form as possible. List as many phone numbers as are needed to ensure you can be reached during the time that your child/youth is taking part in a church sponsored activity.
Please know that the FUMC Children's and Youth Ministry practices diligence in planning and supervision of all activities and follow Safe Sanctuary Guidelines at ALL times.
Parents are encouraged to take an active role in guidance or supervision to reduce or eliminate risk factors that are of concern to you. If you are not comfortable providing this consent ahead of time, we strongly suggest you accompany your child to the event or activity to ensure your child/youth's needs are met in the event of an emergency.
TOGETHER, we will continue to make First United Methodist Church a safe and nurturing place for our church family!